At the intake we agree scope, targets and planning with our customer.
We perform a baseline measurement and analysis of Soul and its alignment with Strategy and Structure, making use of amongst others the renowned Job Demands-Resources model (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004). Job demands, job resources and overall engagement are scientifically measured for the company as a whole as well as for employees individually. Key information is gathered with qualitative (interviews, desk research) and quantitative (our unique and scientifically validated on-line questionnaires) research. Customers can track progress real time on-line through our web tools and web apps.
Quick Wins and Big Wins
Based on a thorough analysis of the data from the quantitative and qualitative research Quick Wins and Big Wins are defined and combined with the results of the analysis presented to our customer. In dialogue with our customer a plan is agreed for the implementation of the Quick Wins and Big Wins. We not only analyse and report, we are also do-ers, assisting our customers achieving the Quick and Big Wins!
Evaluation of results
After 6-9 months the impact of the Quick Wins and Big Wins is measured again using the Job Demands – Resources model, verifying if specific job demands have reduced and specific job resources and the overall employee engagement has improved.